
Atomic force microscopy is a tool used in a broad range of applications in research and industry. From academic research to quality control in industry, AFM is a powerful tool to characterize your samples on the nanoscale. Find out more about typical applications in different fields, and contact us if you are in need of advice. 

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Research Areas

AN01154_FlexAFM_KPFM_MoS2 flakes_42 μm xy, 0.5V CPD_3D topo


Materials Science & Characterization
Since its creation, AFM has been the tool of refence for materials science research. Learn about typical AFM applications in the realm of materials research on the nanoscale.
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Life Science & Biotechnology
AFM works in liquid environments under conditions close to those found in living organisms, and the multitude of operation modes provide a plethora of information helping researchers understand their sample of interest. 
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Electronics & Energy Storage
AFM has quickly become an essential tool for researchers in electronics and energy materials fields. It unlocks information that is often difficult to obtain through other means. Find out about different areas of application in this field of research.
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The semiconductor industry relies heavily on precise measurements throughout the entire process starting from initial research through process development to production of the final device. Learn how AFM is used in the semiconductor industry. 
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Quality Control in Industrial Manufacturing
Nanosurf provides a range of systems designed for industrial quality control applications. Learn more about how AFM is applied for quality control in different industries.
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Universities & Institutes


Education & Entry-Level
Hands-on AFM education plays a crucial role in shaping the next generation of scientists, engineers, and researchers. The goal is to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in their respective fields.
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Research Institutes

Multi-User Facilities & Central Laboratories

What are some of the things you are looking for when choosing tools for a shared user facility? 

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