What would happen if…?
I wonder how…?
Suppose we do this….
Hi. This is Hector, your AFM expert at Nanosurf.
When I was a student, one the senior researchers used to tell stories about how much good science was done during “friday afternoon experiments”.
Back then I was afraid of breaking things, and I barely tried anything out of the ordinary, but now it is my job to push the limits of AFM to show others what is possible, so why not combine both things?
fridayAFM is a fun learning experience that combines friday afternoon research with pushing AFM to its limits.
Every week, on Friday morning I post a fun little experiment I did using AFM. You can follow it on LinkedIn and Twitter to stay updated, or subscribe right here if you want to receive notifications. Feel free to ask questions and propose challenges, and if you feel like joining me on this, tag me and Nanosurf on your publication so we can see what you are up to.
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