Flex-FPM: Single-cell manipulation

Speaker: Dr. Edward Nelson

One of the challenges in cell biology, tissue engineering, and materials research is quantification of the interaction force between cells or between cells and substrates. The FluidFM® technology by Cytosurge provides a tool to serially measure interaction forces with picoNewton resolution.

The instrument combines the positional and force resolution of a research grade AFM with an innovative microfluidic probe, which can manipulate cells or colloidal beads.

This webinar explores recent advances in single-cell force microscopy with the Flex-FPM. Topics include an overview of the system; recent advances in single mammalian cell and bacteria adhesion; colloidal spectroscopy with exchangeable beads and single cell sorting. Experts answer specific FluidFM® application and instrumentation questions.

Interested in FluidFM?

Get to know FluidFM! Reach out to us to discuss your application with one of our seasoned AFM experts, to get a budgetary quote or schedule a product demonstration or exploratory meeting. FluidFM is available on DriveAFM, FlexAFM and CoreAFM.

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The flagship AFM by Nanosurf that leaves nothing to be desired:

  • Fast
  • Intuitive
  • Performance without compromise



The most flexibly configurable AFM for materials and life science research:

  • Our mid-range allround instrument
  • One of the most established AFMs available
  • Built-in upgrade path to DriveAFM



AFM for multi-user settings and sophisticated education:

  • Allround AFM with a competitive price tag
  • 33 modes and functions out of the box
  • Easiest AFM to handle with confidence