Nanosurf Insights: Exploring the World of AFM

Enabling higher accuracy with Fluidic force microscopy (FluidFM)

Written by Nanosurf | Feb 27, 2024 7:30:00 AM

At Nanosurf, we are excited to elevate your research and experiments to new heights. In an innovative paper titled Hydrodynamic function and spring constant calibration of FluidFM micropipette cantilevers, a talented team of scientists from Hungary, spearheaded by Attila Bonyár and Robert Horváth, have collaborated with our expert engineers to introduce novel calibration methods tailored for FluidFM probes.

Why is this important? Calibration is the cornerstone of conducting reliable experiments and detailed characterizations. With our support, the scientists have transformed the way spring constant calibration is performed, ensuring a more precise control of forces in a variety of applications. Whether you're engaging in intricate pick-and-place experiments, delving into mass measurements, or exploring adhesion studies, the newly presented results boost reliability and accuracy.

For the development of the methods presented in the paper, the collaboration used Nanosurf's CleanDrive technology to drive the FluidFM cantilevers. The team capitalized on the low-noise and high bandwidth detection capabilities, offered by the DriveAFM, to measure higher modes of the cantilever, to derive the hydrodynamic function for FluidFM probes. The result? A calibration process that is not just more accurate, but also simple and user-friendly.

Zoom into the future of precision with Nanosurf's DriveAFM.

Check out the paper here: