Nanosurf Insights: Exploring the World of AFM

Unleashing Innovation: IIT Delhi's Journey with Nanosurf's Advanced AFM Solutions

Written by Nanosurf | Oct 18, 2023 7:00:00 AM

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) is one of the most prestigious institutions globally which focused on research, education, and innovation located in New Delhi, India. It offers comprehensive programs, cutting-edge research facilities, and a distinguished faculty. The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at IIT Delhi emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration and industry partnerships, it produces skilled graduates and contributes to advancements in materials science and engineering globally.

Dr. Nitya Nand Gosvami, Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, at IIT Delhi and his team are studying nanoscale friction, wear, and tribochemical reactions under viscous liquid environments at elevated temperatures. Motivated by the significance of tribology in diverse engineering applications, such as understanding earthquakes, automotive engines, MEMS devices, and human body joints, they were determined to find an optimal solution for their AFM needs.

Dr. Gosvami is not new to AFM systems and to the available brands on the market, having had the chance to gain extensive expertise during his roles as a postdoc and research scientist. His first interaction with Nanosurf happened during an international conference in the USA and shortly after that a demonstration was organized at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at IIT Delhi to give a first impression of the Nanosurf FlexAFM’s capabilities in performing the specific experiments in question.


Before the demo, the main concerns centered around instrument stability, noise levels, drift issues, and durability, especially for experiments in harsh environments. The Nanosurf team addressed these concerns during the demonstration, putting Dr. Gosvami and his team at ease. Witnessing the performance of the FlexAFM and experiencing the robustness of the system and its handling in the challenging environment alleviated their worries. Consequently, IIT Delhi opted for the FlexAFM with a planned upgrade path to DriveAFM, to benefit from its unparalleled stability in liquid environments.



The FlexAFM system’s reputation, features, and ability to align with research objectives instilled confidence in its potential as a valuable asset for scientific advancements. Nanosurf's commitment to delivering a high-quality instrument with all the necessary modes, and the pre-configured upgrade path to DriveAFM further impressed Dr. Gosvami and his team. The first experiences using the FlexAFM were very positive and have even improved over time as he and the team gained hands-on experience with the instrument. Today IIT Delhi is using the FlexAFM not only to study liquids lubricants at elevated temperatures but also started working extensively on nanotribology of two-dimensional materials such as graphene and TMDs. Since then, Dr. Gosvami has published several articles in high impact factor journals.

Nanosurf has proven to be a brand one can boast about, providing value for money without compromising on quality. Furthermore, the service and technical support have been the best Dr. Gosvami has ever experienced from any AFM company. The planned upgrade from the FlexAFM to the DriveAFM scan head was carried out smoothly, and confirmed the decision to go with Nanosurf, and Dr. Gosvami’s research is now benefitting from significantly improved imaging performance, valuable new modes, and allround improved handling. The DriveAFM has the capability to image large areas with the same scanner and clean drive to carry out dynamic AFM in liquids.


Dr. Gosvami summarizes his experience with Nanosurf:

“I would recommend to every researcher looking for an AFM to consider Nanosurf. The team there really listened to our requirements and put together a system that suited our research needs very well, and made sure we were well covered going forward with the upgrade to DriveAFM planned from the start. The Nanosurf team is always of great support when we need them, and they really know AFM exceptionally well.”


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Find out more about Nanosurf's DriveAFM 

Find out more about Nanosurf's FlexAFM